Is this even normal? What is happening to my life

Friends are such an important part of my life and I have realised that so much recently. As you can probably see from my previous blog posts, I have talked about my friend not speaking to me as much because she has a boyfriend. I have realised now how much it actually affects me, it makes me angry and upset, I’ve even had a cry about it a few times. I feel like i have to keep swapping who I am friends with because they always find someone better.

All I really want to do is have someone there for me, someone who always keeps me on my feet and is there for me. Someone who i can have a laugh with and who looks out for me. Is that really so hard to ask for? I thought i found that friend and now we hardly speak, as she got with the guy I used to like.

It just gets to me at times, shit like this happens in reality and I just have to get over it, but at the moment i’m finding it rather difficult to do that.